Thursday, January 3, 2013

Luxe Lifestyle: Resolutions

Happy 2013! It's a new year, and for so many of us, that means resolution time.  I've never been big into making resolutions, but I do love that with the start of a new year comes the inspiration and motivation to make those much needed changes from our daily ruts routines.  It's sad but true.  Time for that reality check that it is no longer the holiday season where you can justify consuming copious amounts of champagne before noon. 
 And I feel as though I could go on and on about my disdain for weight loss resolutions (do they ever work?) and the burden of  what seems to be very stubborn postpartum baby weight, so I'll spare you the essay and cut to the chase.  Now is as good a time as any, and if you are like me and have accepted that the scale doesn't lie (no matter how many times you proclaim, "That's TOO high! There is definitely something off with this scale!"), it is time to get serious and hit the pavement...or the yoga mat.  And lucky for us, workout gear is looking good! There is nothing like a bold neon trend to get you in the mood.  Just like a new dress for a night out, I feel equally as good when I'm sporting some new gear!
For Project Weight Loss 2013
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  1. I'm with ya on this post sista! I've never been into or had to make a weight loss resolution but this year I have no choice! Love all of the gear suggestions, what a great way to get motivated...Tilly and I are going shopping for some today!! Good luck! XX Alison
